
Friday, November 22, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Movie Script

Cast: India-Grace(Main), Hana(Main), Jessica(Red-Head Alien),
Bailee(Clone), Greer(Red-Head alien), Billie-Jo(Clone),
Sienna(Alien God)

EXT: Exterior
INT: Interior
WA: Wide Angle
CU: Close up       
FF: Flash Forward
MS: Middle Shot
OTT: Over the top
SV: Side view
BS: Behind Shot
Red: Sound Effects

The space ship in space with the meteor coming closer to the space ship
(Quiet when filming EXT, Loud when filming INT of the space ship)
We will use a toy space ship and clay meteor that will hit the spaceship.

Inside the space ship, we will use a car as the space ship
(dramatic music, beeping noises, red alert sounds, clicking sounds,
and heartbeat)

Play a rewinding sound, that will take us back to the present moment.
Go back to before Hana and I-G leave to go to Saturn.

CU & INT:  
CU showing I-G and Hana’s hand grabbing everything with a voiceover
saying the things we are grabbing. Show ticking off the checklist
after every item. Background chatter with a loud heartbeat.


Of their faces 
Of them putting on their spacesuits
Of them zipping up their spacesuit
Of them putting their shoes on and tying them up
OF the space ship

WA & INT shot of lab when placing everything into the space ship.
Walking back into the lab to say goodbyes using a WA.

WA & EXT shot showing I-G & Hana Walking out of the lab and into the
space ship (will use a perspective video)while walking out of the lab
I-G or Hana Will Do voice over. (people clapping & talking)

OTT shot of I-G & Hana walking into the spaceship. 

MS & INT shot will be an MS of Hana & I-G in the space ship putting
their seat belts and switching on lots of buttons, also doing a
voiceover. The countdown starts, and they take off into space.
When doing the countdown do a countdown montage of different parts
in the space ship. 

WA & EXT shot will be looking out the window into space and showing
the space ship travelling through space, and passing planets.

MS & INT shot will be a voiceover in the spaceship, while clicking
more buttons, and switching more switches. 

WA & EXT shot of the meteor hitting the space ship, we will use a toy
space ship and clay meteor to hit the space ship, then zoom into the
space ship.

MS & INT of I-G & Hana being shaken around in the space ship,
while red light flashing and voice over of them screaming & space ship
saying red alert, they crash and they get badly winded and pass out. 

CU of I-G & Hana waking up and looking at their hands then they
realize they are in Minecraft and don’t know what is happening. 

MS of Aliens surrounding I-G and Hana and I-G and Hana start to freak
out and then run out into the forest. Aliens follow and offer them a
place to rest they accept but not to rest.

Tracking shot of I-G and Hana talking while walking to the resting
spot talking about how they don’t trust the aliens. 

Middle shot of I-G and Hana “unpacking” while talking about how their
the plan will work in low whispers.

INT of I-G and Hana pretending to sleep and when they know that all
the aliens are away from their spot they start going around the
corner and spying on the aliens. 
EXT shot of aliens walking out into the forest to their secret portal.
I-G & Hana are following the aliens outside when they get to a
clearing and I-G & Hana gasp at the sight of the aliens secret portal. 
CU & EXT shot of aliens one by one walking into the nether portal. 

MS of I-G & Hana chatting to each other about why they would have a
secret portal. 

CU & EXT shot of aliens coming one by one out of the nether portal. 
Aliens walking out of the clearing back to their home. 

MS shot of I-G and Hana sneaking over in front of the portal and walk
in one by one.

CU & MS:
CU & MS shot of I-G & Hana walking into the nethers.

SV shot of I-G & Hana walking around the nethers while talking about
why they would have to go into a different dimension and what could
they do here.

CU shot of I-G & Hana’s faces when they walk into a room where there
is some sort of pool of potions. I-G & Hana’s mouths open. 

WA & BS:
WA & BS shot of I-G & Hana’s back and aliens god coming out of potion
pool. Alien god gets really confused and angry about I-G & Hana being
WA & SV:
WA & SV shot of I-G & Hana slowly turning around and once turned
around running out of the room and back to the portal. 
MS of I-G & Hana walking out of the portal and the aliens are
surrounding I-G & Hana.
CU shot of the alien leader walking forward and starts growling at
SV of alien leader asks what they were doing and then I-G & Hana
get taken away by the aliens to a secret base while walking I-G asks
how they knew they were there and alien says that they get an alert
when someone enters. 
MS & SV:
MS & SV shot of I-G & Hana being pushed into the secret base(prison).
I-G & Hana start talking about how to get out of the Minecraft world
when a dog comes up to the jail bars.

CU shot of the dog, switches to CU of I-G & Hana, switches back to the
dog and back again.
MS of I-G & Hana talking about what to do with the dog and end up
taming it. 
MS shot from outside the prison looking in. 

The dog runs out behind the prison and starts running into the wall.
I-G & Hana get the hint and start to bang on the wall to break the

EXT shot of the dog trying to break the wall.
MS of Hana and I-G trying to break the wall

EXT & WA   
EXT & WA of I-G & Hana start to run out into the forest & I-G & Hana
walk to where the spaceship is.

INT & WA When they get there they go inside and try to turn it on but
when they try they alarms start going off again. (CU of them pushing

MS & INT shot of the aliens yelling where are they, the alien leader
yells out, go find them now
WA shot of I-G walking out of the space ship and walking around it
until she gets to the spot where the meteor hit the space ship,
I-G calls out to Hana and Hana comes out, I-G tells Hana about that
the engine may be malfunctioning because of the meteor that hit it. 

OTT view of I-G going underneath the spaceship, and “fiddling” with


BS of Hana’s back and I-G coming out from under the space ship and
saying that it wouldn’t take that long to fix but should be out of
there soon. 
WA & EXT of all the aliens and clones chasing after them

EXT & OTT of the space ship getting ready to take off into space

CU & INT of I-G & Hana looking at each other with panic in their eyes
saying we need to take off now 

FP (first person)
FP of them taking off into space, (use night time and rain in Minecraft)
Then we will have a blackout, and then go straight to the white room

ZOS(Zooming outshot):
ZOS of I-G and Hana’s faces then zooming out to show them sitting on
a chair in a white room. And then MS of the scientists asking them
lots of questions & then CU of I-G face saying well, then it will cut
off and go black. 
OTT shot of I-G & Hana walking up in the spaceship.

WA shot of I-G walking out of the space ship and going back underneath
the spaceship.

OTT shot of I-G fixing the spaceship with tool sounds, I-G comes out
from under the spaceship. 

MS: I-G walking up the ramp and back into the space ship and goes to
where Hana is and tells her that she has fixed the space ship.   

MS of I-G & Hana walking out of the space ship and back to where the
aliens let them put their stuff, on the way they went a different way
so they don’t get spotted. 

BS of I-G & Hana coming back out with armour on so it looks like they
had stuff. They get back to the space ship and but the beds away
(delete them) 

WA shot of I-G & Hana taking the dog out of the space ship and then
running back into the space ship. 

MS of them pushing all the buttons and getting ready to take off

Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Video essay

Comment on what you think, anything I could improve on? 

Swamp Media

For this terms inquiry, our focus has been on the history of media. We had to choose out of four subjects, Tv, Media, radio & print, I choose Media. For media, we had to learn about social media and how it has evolved. After learning about media, Mr shaw created a website using Wix, wear we could create articles & quizzes. We could choose from, Sports, Entertainment & community & news, I choose Community & news. once the term came to an end we got to show off what we had done by having presentation night. Here is the link to our website, go check out my posts: 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sci-Fi Conventions

In literacy, we have been learning about 
gerne & conventions, we have done lots 
of genres but here is one of the genres
sci-fi, and once we have learned about 
all the gerners we chose one and make 
a video essay to present our work.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Friday, July 5, 2019

Wearable Art: Keep it Blue

Imagine you are relaxing on a peaceful beach while sipping on
your favourite drink. Then in a blink of an eye, your paradise
turns into a horror movie, soon, all of our natural beauty will be
gone because of us. 
Our dress is based around what our world will look like in if we
don’t stop polluting. The top half of the dress is light and
colourful. As we go down the dress you can tell it starts to get
darker, because that is what our world will turn into a short
period of time. Marine plastic pollution has affected over 267
species worldwide as a result of starvation, suffocation, infection,
drowning and entanglement. It is expected that there soon will
be more plastic in our oceans than fish.

why is it just so hard to just pick up one single piece of plastic
when it can help make a big difference to our world? Remember
we all have voices not just our leaders so why are we all waiting
around for permission, when we could be taking charge for
ourselves and the environment, please help us keep
oceans nice and blue like they used to be before was
plastic was made.

on Thursday the 4th of July we had a wearable art show in our school hall, with almost 300 hundred people coming to watch, but before this even happened we had to learn about the causes that plastic is making earth happen, and that was about 5 weeks. After that we had to start planning and creating our masterpieces & that took up our lunchtimes morning tea and all of our afternoons, there was a lot of effort put into this so I hope you like our creation. Keep it Blue

Monday, July 1, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019


last week I learnt about Tessellations. Tessellations are when you use 1 or more shapes to make a pattern with no shapes, here is an example. In this I used octagon and a diamond to make my pattern 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

My goal ladder

     Reading-  I think I completed this goal I can            defiantly read much faster with out skipping          lines and I don't often use my glasses

     Writing- This year I hope to work on elaborating     on my ideas by precise details and facts

     Math-  This year I hope to work on my goal            which is to develop my understanding of                 decimals, fractions and percentages 

Friday, March 22, 2019

The Extraordinary Mandy Harvey

This term for our inquiry we have been doing powerful people and inspiring people. For my one I am doing Mandy Harvey, the girl that got a golden buzzer for singing deaf on the Xfactor. This is basic biography about her and her life.
I know that some of the writing is hard to see so if you have any question just comment.

Fun in Maori

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

My pepeha for 2019

This week we have been doing our pepeha, using a site called cartoon creater, although this was hard to use and not much things to do, so I recommend not using this site, (and yes I know it is hard to read but that is the way it came up) Hoped you enjoyed and please comment. 

Wainui Camp Reflection 2019

This is about my amazing camp I had last week for four days. It will have my favorite activity and what I am most proud of, it will also have some photos of camp and us showing the 5 R's 
Hope you enjoy 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Our Colorful & Creative Graffiti Art

                      Our colorful & creative
                                    Graffiti Art 

     This week we have been doing graffiti art in the afternoons. First we had to watch a video, then we started to softly sketching out are name, after that we used pastels to color in our name by blending the colors, next we used vivid to outline our graffiti, last we colored in our background by using colored pencils.

if you have any questions or feedback please comment, also I would love to check out your blog so put a link to your blog

the goal ladder part 1

the goal ladder part 2

Friday, February 8, 2019